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Saint Cloud is a town between Paris and Versailles
in the west of the French capital.
It is part of the department Hauts de Seine (92)
part of the region Ile de France.

Saint Cloud is a beautiful historic town
in the west of Paris
on the way to Versailles.
In recent years Saint Cloud sadly lost some of
it's charm and beauty due
to push real estate projects.

There is also the city of St Cloud in Minnesota / USA
see Visit St

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Philippe d Orleans (1640 - 1701)
also called "Monsieur"
lived in Saint Cloud from 1658
to the end of his life.
He was the younger brother of King Louis XIV
a grandson of King Henri IV
and a great grandson of Marguerite de Navarre

Philippe d'Orleans aquired
the small Chateau de Saint Cloud
and transformed it into a magnificient castle
sadly destroyed in 1870
during the Franco Prussian war.

Books about Philippe d' Orleans
in French and English

Le Parc de Saint Cloud
is a national estated located in the west of Paris
on a hill with a panoramic view
over the French capital.

The 460 ha large parc
was centered
around the former Parc de Saint Cloud.
The park was a summer residence of Empress Eugenie,
wife of Napoleon III.
It was also a childhood home of
Benoit Bossu.

Books about the Parc de Saint Cloud
in French and English

Saint Cloud une Vie de Chateau
by Florence Austin Montenay

Books about the Chateau de Saint Cloud
in French and English

Saint Cloud is the headquater
of the Dassault Aviation company
founded 1929
by Marcel Bloch / Marcel Dassault (1892 - 1986)

Follow Dassault Aviation shares

Books about Dassault
in French and English

Saint Cloud is also known for
Avelines Museum, Domaine National
Domaine National Museum

Souvenirs about Saint Cloud Seine

To find people of companies
from Saint Cloud
please go to
Phone Book of the World

Tourist and Travel information
can be found in the
Phone Book of the World /

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View on the View on Saint Cloud, photo by Celette